Triumph Motorcycles has announced that all volume production of the brand’s motorcycles is set to move to Thailand.

Whether it is a ramification of Brexit or a shrewd business move, Triumph Motorcycles have confirmed that all volume production is moving to the firm’s Thailand factory.
While it sounds like a scary move for a brand known for its inherent Britishness, in fact, 90% of all Triumph product is already assembled in Thailand, with the Speed Triple and Tiger 1200 the last holdouts in volume production currently made in the UK.
That is set to change, with MCN reporting that Triumph informed its UK workforce of the planned move on February 20th.
“The move, announced to Triumph employees yesterday (February 20), will see the last remaining UK produced models – the Speed Triple and Tiger 1200 – join the rest of the range at the Chonburi, Thailand, production facilities,” MCN reported.
However, this isn’t the end of British production for Triumph, with the sell-out Triumph Factory Custom line set to firmly remain in production at the Hinkley factory.
Considering we have only seen a small number of TFC products launched off some of Triumph’s smaller line – and are yet to see a TFC model based off the incredibly popular Bonneville – it’s safe to say that there is a lot yet to come in this sector from Triumph.
"We are now preparing for Triumph’s next wave of strategic growth,” says
Triumph’s Chief Executive Officer, Nick Bloor.
“We want to maximise the growth opportunity for the brand globally, particularly in the Asian markets. This is why we are increasing our design resources here in the UK and focusing our mass production capabilities in Thailand."